Protect Yourself from Dating and Romance Scams:
Online dating has flourished in recent years, especially with the introduction of companies like Match.com, Tinder and eHarmony making it even easier for people to find their perfect match. People are starting to invest more time and energy into building up their online profiles, in the hope that they’ll find their next long-term partner, adventurous evening, or even soul mate.
Luckily, some people manage to do just that! Reports indicate that the number of marriages taking place each year, as a result of people meeting online, is steadily increasing.
So what could a romantic or dating scam be?
The aim of the game is to obtain gifts, money, bank details, or personal information from you by luring you into a false sense of security, making you feel special and adored, before suddenly and urgently needing your help.
Scammers create misleading profiles on legitimate dating websites and use those profiles to entice people. As soon as you make contact with them, they’ll start to express strong feelings for you within a pretty short time frame, before eventually asking to move your conversation away from the website.
As soon as you’re out of the website’s bounds, the relationship will progress to a point where the scammer starts sharing “personal” information with you, sending you gifts and gradually becoming more intimate. These ploys can often take months, or even longer.
When the perfect amount of trust has been built, the scammer will then go on to tell you stories about how their life suddenly took a turn for the worse and how they need your help, for example: telling you that they can’t keep sending you gifts because they can’t afford it after a recent hospital bill, or not being able to book the flight to see you because their credit card bounced, or something like that.
There are so many ways for a scammer to find his way into your heart by simply playing along with the emotions you’d expect to be feeling for and from them. It’s a cruel and manipulative thing to do, and it’s not always about money either.
We found an article over on SCAMwatch that we think might help to shine a light on the situation and what you should be on the lookout for. Just click here to find out how to protect yourself from online scams.
Please be careful when attempting to meet new people, online or otherwise. If you’d ever like to double-check whether someone is really who they say they are, then you might like to consider the services of a Private Investigator.
We can provide accurate and up-to-date background checks on people from all walks of life, so it couldn’t hurt to know what you’re getting into.
Precise Investigation has PI’s available across the country, including Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart, Brisbane and many others, and they can help to resolve your concerns.
Call Precise Investigation today on 1300 856 011 for a professional, Private Investigation Service
Image credit: Thank you, Pexels.com