Precise Inevstigation
Insurance: (03) 9564 7303
General: 1300 856 011
24 Hour: 0435 656 478

Fast and Effective Background Checks from Australia’s Top Investigators

What is a background check, exactly? Put simply, it’s just as it says on the tin; looking into someone or something’s background – or history, more specifically.

Background checks are usually put to use by people looking for confirmation of a given fact about what someone did in the past or what previously happened to an item of interest. Most frequently, domestic clients opt for background checks when seeking information about a new babysitter, or potential employee; checking the facts about a vintage vehicle and; determining whether their partners or love interests are really who they say they are. There are hundreds of applications for professional background checks and Precise Investigation can provide our clients with the expertise necessary to tackle any.

Applying Precise Investigation’s Background Checks

When it comes to financial, emotional or personal security matters, it’s important to know who you’re dealing with, and that’s where professional background checks are really crucial. Precise Investigation’s background checks have been developed to dig as deep as necessary into a given person’s past, to provide our clients with the information that’s relevant to the situation at hand.

When you’re looking to hire a caregiver to help out at home, you’d prefer to know that that person really has the twenty years’ experience they’ve boasted about on their résumé… as opposed to hiring someone with none, who’s lied out of desperation for a source of income.

For those clients looking to invest their money into something meaningful, you should know that Australia suffers one of the highest economic crime rates of any country in the world. With that in mind, it’s more important than ever to consider the expertise of a professional, or team thereof, in helping you to understand your risks before it’s too late.

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How Precise Investigation Works

The accuracy of the information provided in a background check is of the utmost importance to us, considering that any errors could jeopardise not only the person or item of interest’s reputation, but that of yours and ours as well – it is with that that we strive to employ every conceivable investigative method, database, resource and network available to gain, analyse, cross-reference and compile the material for the reports we produce. Furthermore, we also understand that any mistakes on our part can lead to major court cases down the line, so we take every step possible to ensure the utmost precision in the results we provide.

Why Employ a Background Check from Precise Investigation?

Why choose Precise Investigation to provide you with a background check? Our dedicated support team, along with the detailed briefs our investigators record from our clients, work hand-in-hand to pull together some of the most comprehensive background reports that the industry has to offer.

With that information, our clients have gone on to secure million-dollar investment deals; enjoy their free time, knowing their families are in good hands; feel assured that their latest purchases are legitimate; determine the authenticity of collectibles and artworks and even; decide on whether to pursue potential love interests.

Whatever it is that you’d like to know about a person or specific item, Precise Investigation applies over thirty years’ experience to every case we undertake, making our work some of the most effective, accurate and reliable in Australia.

Examples of Our Background Checks at Work

Here we have listed a few of the most frequently requested background check situations that Precise Investigation have encountered:

  • Online Dating Validation: Determining whether someone you’ve met online is really who they make out to be.
  • Pre-employment Screening: Determining whether someone genuinely has the required skillsets and/or qualifications to perform a given duty.
  • Investment Validation: Gaining a clearer understanding of what a potential investment’s risks are, compared to that of what the investor is being told.
  • Partner Screening: To find out whether a potential love interest has been married or started a family before meeting you.
  • Competitor Analysis: Determining the true nature of a competitor’s business and the details surrounding its past.

Personal Background Checks

Precise Investigation maintains a regular blog, reflecting on interesting tidbits from the private investigation industry, including topics like crime, love, relationships, statistics and investigation case stories. With that, we have listed a few of our top posts and articles related to background checks for your perusal:

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Insurance Claims

(03) 9564 7303

Public Enquiries

1300 856 011

24 Hour Support

0435 656 478

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