Precise Inevstigation
Insurance: (03) 9564 7303
General: 1300 856 011
24 Hour: 0435 656 478

Trying to Find Someone? Accelerate Results with our Professional Skip Tracing Services

Need to find someone, or locate something that’s gone missing? Rest assured that Precise Investigation and our thirty years’ experience as one of Australia’s leading private investigation firms has given us and our clients the means to find the people and the things that matter most to them.

Whether a sibling has slipped off the radar, an employee’s gone rogue or someone’s managed to skip bail – or you’re simply trying to find your old car after selling it years ago, Precise Investigation has the skills and experience you need to have whatever you’re after found quickly and cost-effectively.

Why Choose Precise Investigation for Professional Skip-Tracing?

Precise Investigation’s professional location services have been specifically developed to help clients successfully track and locate missing persons of interest, whether family, financiers, or even convicts. Moreover, Precise Investigation’s expertise extends beyond finding missing people, alone; our training, experience and skillsets allow us to provide our customers with the same high levels of service when locating items, assets or information as well.

Our team of investigators take pride in delivering successful results across the board, and along with our findings, we’re proud to boast one of the highest client satisfaction rates of any Australian private investigation firm. Our appreciation for case sensitivity, our discretion, ingenuity and attention to detail are second to none and we strive, wherever possible, to apply ever aspect of our capacities within the field to every case we take.

With a deep understanding of the stresses, anxieties and emotional strains involved when people or the things that matter most go missing, Precise Investigation works solely to help our clients to restore their peace of mind and revel in their newfound relief.Precise Investigation, a leader in the Australian private investigation industry for three decades, has strived to ensure that our detectives and dedicated support team are kept up-to-date and in-tune with the world’s technological advancements. This has therefore given us, as an investigations agency, the means to expose threats, determine points of information interception, recover crucial data and ultimately assist clients in maintaining an effective working environment.

Our computer forensic investigations are tailored to suit the situations and circumstances surrounding our client’s particular cases. If a client needs to keep the details of the investigation private, so be it – we customise our approach in every case to suit our clients and the outcomes they are hoping to uncover. Given the nature of our industry, Precise Investigation takes great pride in providing clients with the utmost discretion across all computer forensic analysis; investigations that we carry out in-line with corporate confidentiality and apply to meet our clients’ exact requirements.

As such, clients can rest assured that our investigators will always adhere to the details provided in our briefs, follow our clients’ instructions to the tee and never put themselves, our clients or Precise Investigation in a position that could lead to disrepute.

Additionally, while many companies may advertise their abilities to recover or lift data, there are a number of strict regulations at play that most aren’t aware of, or able to abide by, thereby leading to that data becoming inadmissible as evidence in court. Precise Investigation, on the other hand, ensures that every step our detectives take is in accordance with Australian law.

Giving our clients the legal advantage has proven to be a very successful approach to our investigations, and we strive to continue delivering results at the same high level in each and every case we undertake.Precise Investigation boasts an impressive thirty years at the forefront of the Australian Private Investigation industry, and in so doing, we have built an enviable reputation as one of the country’s most successful investigations providers. With that, each of our private investigators is qualified, insured and dually experienced in gathering evidence relating to acts of fraud, whether it be a case of employees bunking off work, feigning illness; business partners double-dipping and exposing trade secrets; people lying on their résumés; or any number of malicious undertakings that may cause a business harm.

We have provided world-class fraud investigation services to hundreds of clients across Australia and, in each instance, we’ve worked hard to ensure that our customers receive only the most up-to-date, accurate and timely reports. Our goal, ultimately, is to help them make the right decisions with regards to which means are the most appropriate to address their respective fraud issues.

Whether you represent a start-up, a medium-sixed business or a multi-national corporation, you can be sure to run into some form of fraud during your career and the lifecycle of your business – by employing Precise Investigation, you can actively reduce the associated risks and protect your interests from suffering at the hands of fraud now and in the future.

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Related Services

Putting Our Private Investigators to Work

Precise Investigation employs a team of location investigation specialists who, coupled with our dedicated support team, work tirelessly to uncover as much information about the missing family members, potential suspects, criminals or debtors as possible before and during the investigation process.

Simultaneously, the operatives appointed to the case make use of an array of technological solutions, networking channels and tried and tested techniques along with blending traditional location methods with modern, military and para-military tactics.

Phone calls, field visits, web crawling, data mining, cold calling, door-knocking and even the occasional drone flight are amongst the most basic of practices that our investigators employ, together with a simple, yet highly effective technique known as “Skip tracing.”

Otherwise known as “debtor” or “fugitive recovery”, “skip tracing” is another successful approach that Precise Investigation often puts into practice. It’s the process of pinpointing a person’s whereabouts by analyzing the information left behind after they’ve left a previously known address. Skip tracing is a service typically employed by companies or financial institutions to find people that are trying to avoid financial responsibility, but it’s applications are limitless.

Successfully Locating Someone

How long does it take to find someone? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is pretty much the same as “how long is a piece of string?” although the amount of information available to our team can drastically effect the timeframes involved. For example, a family’s teenage boy goes missing in a small town outside Sydney and in Darwin, a similar young man has also vanished into thin air. Which would we be able to find first? There are a great many variables in location services that Precise Investigation, our professional private investigators and dedicated support team take into consideration, depending on the case in question and the people involved.

For a more detailed account of how a particular case may be handled, please get in touch with Precise Investigation today, let us know what’s bothering you, and one of our friendly investigators will be able to provide you with the guidance you need.

Example Subjects for Skip Tracing Services

Here’s a short list of some common subjects for Precise Investigation’s professional location and skip tracing services, requested by our domestic clients:

  • Road Accident Suspects (after hit and runs, for example)
  • Debt Recoveries or Collections
  • Family Reunions
  • Fractured Friendships
  • Financial and/or Moral Responsibilities (contagious diseases)
  • Fraudsters
  • Criminals, and more

Find Someone / Skip-Tracing

Precise Investigation maintains a regular blog, reflecting on interesting tidbits from the private investigation industry, including topics like crime, love, relationships, statistics and investigation case stories. With that, we have listed a few of our top posts and articles related to background checks for your perusal:

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Insurance Claims

(03) 9564 7303

Public Enquiries

1300 856 011

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0435 656 478

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