Precise Inevstigation
Insurance: (03) 9564 7303
General: 1300 856 011
24 Hour: 0435 656 478

Finding the right person for the job can be a challenging process, no matter what industry you are situated in. But finding out the individual you thought was right for the role is not telling the truth can be disastrous for your business.

To combat this risk, it is vital to conduct background checks on each prospective employee, so that you know you are not risking your brand or exposing yourself to potential issues. Oftentimes, these checks can also eliminate unnecessary challenges from occurring, including:

High turnover

At the lower end of the risk spectrum, you could be employing a worker who is unqualified and who ultimately will not be able to perform their job function. This will ultimately lead to the termination of their contract or dismissal. That means it is back to the recruitment process, which costs your business time and productivity, so it is a hassle you want to avoid if possible.

They may have a poor track record handling money

If a worker is being placed in a position of trust involving money and finances, a proper credit assessment should be conducted as part of the background check. Qualifications are one thing but if a person has a long track record of poor financial decisions then that unreliability could transfer into their role at your company.

They might not have the correct training which can be a safety risk

If a person claims to have training and credentials operating machinery, they could pose a real safety hazard if they cannot actually use the machinery correctly. This can lead to major incidents in your workplace that involve damage, injuries, and even fatalities.

An employee does not have to be physically operating something to cause harm, though. If this worker is in charge of the development of a product and has lied about their credentials then they could be involved in the creation of a defective and/or dangerous product that puts your customers in harm’s way and also threatens to severely damage the reputation of your company and brand.

Necessary checks for those responsible for operating machinery

There are laws surrounding the use of machinery and the driving of vehicles and you want to ensure your workers are going to adhere to those laws when they are carrying out their job.

These medical, drug and alcohol checks should not only be done at the point of employment but ongoing to ensure workers are not potentially putting themselves, other workers, customers, and people in the community in danger.

Criminal checks are necessary for safety

While it is true that people deserve a second chance, it is also the responsibility of hiring managers to ensure they are carrying out their duty of care when recruiting as well.

A criminal history does not have to be a deal-breaker. If a person’s record has no bearing on their ability to carry out their duties safely, then they should definitely be considered. But if they have a criminal history that suggests they could be a threat to your staff and customers, have a record of dangerous activities or criminal misconduct, then they should be weeded out so history doesn’t repeat itself in your workplace.

How to carry out a thorough background check

There are many resources available for employers to conduct criminal, health, drugs and alcohol, credit, and employment history checks, but this can also be a time-consuming process that can slow down the recruitment process to a crawl.

It is always best to consult professionals – like Precise Investigation – so that you will get accurate results and you will get them quickly so that you can find the right person for the job without being bogged down in checks.

We will use all of the databases, networks, and connections available to deliver a comprehensive background check on your prospective employers to ensure you have completely mitigated any risk.

Click here to see more information on how we can help with background checks.

For extra support or assistance with your case, please do not hesitate to contact us at  or Tel: 03 9564 7303.

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0435 656 478

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